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Virgin Mary and Jesus, old Persian miniature. ...

Image via Wikipedia

What a great book.

JC often shows up in popular culture.  He’s a man of the people after all.  His mother, on the other hand, is not as apt to make appearances.  Sure, you see some bleeding statues and whatnot (here she tries to save Randy Marsh, everyone’s Father of the Millennium), but usually she keeps her work low-key.

Nevertheless, there she was with a cameo on Bones.

Two garbage men at a dump appreciate their new coworker, a garbage chick. One admonishes the other that God doesn’t appreciate lusty thoughts. He replies if God doesn’t want him talking like that, he should send a sign. They move to another bale of garbage and there’s his sign: a bloody outline of a woman in cardboard. They think it’s the Virgin Mary.

Bones and Booth arrive. Even Booth crosses himself. But Bones runs a quick chemical test: not a miracle, dried blood. The onlookers, which include a priest, watch as the team unbales the garbage. Inside the pallet they find a crushed, mushy, soggy body.

The characters, of course, identify a dead body (the show is called Bones, after all) and move on without considering the message.  It’s really no wonder that the old lady showed up on Bones, which discusses religiosity in as much depth as any primetime police procedural is likely to.

I’m pretty sure Mary would side with Dr. Brennan.  The Virgin is very pragmatic.


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